What is the Average Salary With a Master’s in Gerontology?

As with most professions, education is not the only factor in determining your salary working in gerontology. What you can earn will vary according to the type of position as well as your level of experience in the field.

Types of Work Environments in Gerontology

There are a variety of career paths in gerontology. Branches of this study include teaching, research, government as well as working in the health care sector. Some of these environments include work in nursing homes, hospitals, public health offices, and mental health and rehabilitation centers. Some gerontologists also find work alongside other professionals such as counselors and dieticians.

Average Salary for Gerontology Careers in Counseling

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2008 average annual wage was $33,780 for educational counselors, $34,550 for counselors in mental health services and $27,120 for rehabilitation counselors. Having a Master’s Degree in Gerontology can substantially increase your yearly earnings.

Average Salary for Gerontology Careers in Social Work

The Bureau of Labors Statistics reported that in 2008 the average salary was $34, 360 for family social work, $44,460 for public health social work, $35,500 for mental health social work and $46,300 for other fields of social work. These numbers vary depending on the type of environment you work in. Statistically those working in hospitals earn more than those who work in the private sector. These wages also increase with education and experience.

Starting Salaries in Gerontology

The average starting salary with a Master’s in Gerontology may seem low, but that is simply because careers in this field vary so greatly in regards to education and experience. Gerontology is important work, and having a career studying the affects of aging as well as helping the elderly along with their families can be very rewarding. This field is also expected to increase by nearly 40 percent over the next eight years, so opportunity and demand for these jobs will only be greater. Earning a Master’s Degree in Gerontology will increase available opportunities as well as potential wages.

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